Go get XPress - Part 3
This is the third post of the series. Today's function is getText(aRange), which returns a range of text from the current story. The range parameter is specified in a form { location, length }. Note that the location of the first character of a story is 1, which is AppleScript convention of accessing a list object.
The above code will raise an error if you pass 0 to the length element. As far as Wild CAT is concerned, this is not a problem as it never ask for a null text.
on getText(aRange)
tell application "QuarkXPress"
set aLocation to item 1 of aRange
set aLength to item 2 of aRange
return text from character aLocation to character (aLocation + aLength - 1) of story 1 of current box
end tell
end getText
The above code will raise an error if you pass 0 to the length element. As far as Wild CAT is concerned, this is not a problem as it never ask for a null text.
Nice blog, thanks for posting.
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