Saturday, June 25, 2005

Segment different

AppleTrans has a good tool that helps you segment the document content in many different ways. There are some segmentation rules built in the application, such as for dividing the content by sentence or paragraph.

There are also found special rules to be used for translating program resources extracted from Mac OS X application bundle. When you look at the rule named "AppleGlot Localization", which is actually made for WG files generated by AppleGlot, you can see how easy it would be to customize the rule by yourself.

Those rules are written by standard regular expression. It should not like that you script a filtering tool. I have created a rule for my two-column, tab delimited glossary file, in order to segment only the 2nd column text for translation.

Prefix: .*\t
Segment: [^\n]+
Suffix: (blank)

It is way simple! With the Next or Previous button, you can test how the selection moves in the text. Once you have done the rule, you can segment all at once. AppleTrans allows you to undo "segment" you have done in the editor, so you do not worry about making any mistake.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The sentences-Japanese segment rule works fine for me (I made a minor modification in deleting the english style single byte !?.), as far as segmenting goes... but how would one get English sentences to have spaces after the period, when you clean up? Trados does this for you automagically, what is the preferred approach in AppleTrans? Should we add a space after every segment in the TM?

1:46 PM  
Blogger hiruneko said...

When you translate Japanese to English, you need to add trailing spaces as you translate segments so they look good in the document. AppleTrans does not manipulate those spaces in any way.

7:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok. That's the same way SDLX works.

10:31 PM  

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